07 4580 4204 admin@virtualko.com.au

Is a VA a Waste of Money?

With the current climate of the world right now EVERYONE is trying to save money. We are tightening up around the home, our weekly food bill and only putting what we need into our cars because fuel is so damn expensive.

As we tighten all our personal expenses, we turn our attention to our business expenses. So it’s only natural to ask ourselves, “is paying for someone to help us out right now a waste of money?”

I would say NO, and here’s why.

A VA also known as a Virtual Assistant can help you grow your business, share the workload and the biggest benefit and money saving option within your business is to enjoy employee benefits without paying for employee costs ie PAYG and Super, not to mention the paperwork!

We are in business to grow and make more money, right? Having a VA can support you in doing this. Having a VA allows you to step away from those mundane tasks that suck all your energy, which in turn prevent you from focusing on growth. Having a VA, free’s you up to work on the high level activities that will support your business growth.

Delegation: It can be hard to let go of control but if we want to grow in business, we need to let others help us. Having a VA on board helps you delegate tasks such as Administration work, marketing, social media management, customer service, content writing or website refreshes.
Giving these tasks to a VA will not only free up your time and energy, but will also allow you to focus on the bigger picture. And another bonus of delegating these types of tasks to a VA, will allow you to be more consistent in these areas of business. We have all heard we need to show up on social media, but it’s so time consuming and you never know what to write. Delegating social media to a VA takes away all this stress.

The final point for having a VA, is that you receive all the employee benefits without paying the employee costs. There’s no superannuation, payroll, sick days or extra equipment needed that you need to worry about. Let a VA support you in your business venture.

In conclusion, is a VA a waste of money? Well that answer is up to you, but I would say, if you want to grow your business with less stress, worry and employee expenses, and have more time, energy, space to grow and focus on the bigger picture, having a VA is a very cost effective solution.

If you’re ready to see what a VA can support you with, we have very affordable options for you.

Click here and book in your free consult call with Becc and Tash today.

Written by Becc Warr
Business Development Manager at Ko Spaces and Virtual Ko.

Am I Ready For A Virtual Assistant??

Am I Ready? The most common question a business owner can ask themselves? Every day we’re making decisions that can effect not just us but our staff, their families and of course our own family. It can be exhausting and super stressful for most people. So at what point do you ask yourself
“Am I ready for help?”

The short answer is YES. If you’re already asking the question, if you’re already having sleepless nights, working long hours and missing out on time with your loved ones, then YES you’re ready.

But, let me guess, your still not sure? it’s OK as business owners we always seem to put ourselves last, we always seem to think “we can do it all” but let me take you through a few strong points on why you’re ready.

How established is your business?

Beginner: If you’re in early stages of your business eg The Idea and that’s all you’ve got, then that’s OK. You need someone that can help you go to the next steps, a person that will “map out” the steps you need to take to get your idea to full fruition. You would need a different type of VA who specialises in launching businesses the right way.

Advanced: If you’re already making money in your business, your idea has come to life and now you want to knuckle down and “grow” then YES you’re ready for a Virtual Assistant. You need someone to take the mundane tasks from invoicing, emails, website updates, social media takeover, answering client calls and all the tasks that take up most of your time, the tasks that you’re not to be honest very good at or you would rather spend time working in other areas of your business that you excel in.

Superior: This would be the type of person that has staff members, a super busy schedule with one or two businesses or perhaps someone who is serviced based that needs help with emails, marketing, phone calls and the time wasting tasks you think you’re good at but lets face it your not #truthbomb

Does any of the above hit home to you? makes you think of the things that lets face it, you’re not the best at and that’s OK as a business owner you will never be amazing at everything you do, but what you can do is realise what those tasks are and start writing a list of tasks that you dread doing every day, I have created a list below to get you started.


A list of tasks that most business owners hate doing, if you can pick at least 3 from this list, give me a call and book in a free consult with us today.

Social Media: This could be posting on Social Media, creating images, creating captions, scheduling, Instagram stories, interacting with potential clients etc

Marketing: Website updates, website builds, website refresh, email marketing, market research etc

Admin Tasks: Email management, answering calls from clients, payroll, bookkeeping, quotes and invoicing.

Do any of these tasks make you as a business owner, want to run for the hills or make you feel like giving up? Stop doing this to yourself and give us a call today, we’re here to help you. Take a look at our services here.

Written by Natasha Krahenbring
Owner Ko Spaces and Virtual Ko.


Why Virtual Ko

Hi and Welcome to Virtual Ko.

We’re so excited to be sharing this journey finally with you all, the last few months behind the scenes have been crazy with trying to get everything ready. Through our main brand Ko Kollective we did a soft launch and we quickly realised that this type of service is something that other businesses needed in Toowoomba and the Darling Downs region.

So we created Virtual Ko.

Virtual Ko is here to help you within your business with all of your administration needs. I wanted to share some of the services that we’re so excited to be helping you and your business with.

Phone Services
It took four years of everyone asking and we finally took the plunge and have set up our Virtual Phone service packages. If you’re getting distracted by the phone going off all the time or if you’re on the top of the roof and the phone is becoming a hazard, this service can certainly help you.

Never miss a call and have one of our friendly team members answer your phone calls for you. But the best thing is we take it upon ourselves to learn everything we can about your business, the other person on the end of the phone never has to know we’re not “officially an employee” we go above and beyond for you and your business and this is a huge part of why our phone service packages have been so successful.

Admin Support
We understand how it feels when you try your hardest at something and you just don’t quite get there or when you’ve sat and stared at the same screen for hours hoping it will just magically start working, we get the frustration, so we’ve created support that will help with you all of those types of tasks from payroll, calander management, email management and so much more.

Marketing Support
We love nothing more than helping businsses bring together a plan to help their business grow. Our marketing team will guide, help and train you every step of the way from social media management, website designs to business guidance.

These are just some of the amazing things we can do for your business but we have so much more to give. If you’re interested in using one of our services at Virtual Ko, give us a call today. We have strict availability so get in quick.

You can find more about our services at Virtual Ko right here.

Written by Natasha Krahenbring
Owner of Virtual Ko and Ko Spaces