07 4580 4204 admin@virtualko.com.au

Spend more time on the legal side of things.


The Virtual Ko team are based in  Toowoomba QLD.

Lawyers | Virtual Assistant | Australia

We understand the importance of a busy Lawyer. Who although they love their clients just don’t have enough time throughout the day to give them 100% all the time and that is where Virtual Ko comes in.

On day one the team at Virtual Ko Australia have your back. The highly trained and experienced team can make your day so much easier with tasks that you should never have to worry about. We want to be apart of your business, we get to know you and your business in a way that most Virtual Assistants don’t and the huge difference is. We care! We care about you and your business.

We’ve got you.

You will have a dedicated Virtual Ko assistant looking after your business and of course your amazing clients, take a look at how we can help you and your Legal practice with one of our amazing team here at Virtual Ko.

Manage Your Calendar

We make sure your day runs smoothly and efficiently when meeting with your clients.

Manage Your Inbox

Respond to important emails promptly, saving you time for the important things.

Client Calls

Scheduling appointments, following up on inquiries, and providing updates.

"Jessi Klein"

Everyone says they hate lawyers and yet I’ve never met a parent who didn’t want their kid to be one!

What is your time worth?

How much is your time really worth? Have you ever worked out how much it costs you to answer that 10 minute phone call just to book an appointment with a “potential client?”

Less than 15 calls a week.

If your Legal Business receives less than 15 calls a week this is the option for you.

– We will answer all your calls

– Take a Message

– Email you straight away

This is our most basic package, but it can save you a lot of the time on the phone, you can then also call those people back when you’re free and it means you never miss a call!

$599 a month
($199 set up fee)

More than 15 calls per week with added benefits.

Does your Legal Business need a little more assistance?

– Everything on the left

– Calander Booking

– Inbox Monitoring

This package is to free up your time so you can focus more on your work, leave work on time and spend more time with your family.

$849 a month
($199 set up fee)

Contact Us

We are available 24/7 to assist you with all your home buying and selling needs from start to finish. Reach out to any of us for your real estate needs, and we look forward to building a long-standing relationship with you!


58-62 Water Street
South Toowoomba QLD 4350


07 4580 4204



Get In Touch

Who we help already,
plus many more.





Follow us to find out what we get up to when we’re not answering your calls and working on your business!