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With the work week getting more demanding and the number of hours worked, increasing to sometimes over 40, getting inspired about your work day is another way to look after yourself and your business.


Getting inspiration for your work day will result in increased productivity,and decreased exhaustion when you get home at the end of the day.

Here are some ways to boost your inspiration for your work day:

Lets start with visual inspiration. It may be as simple as a quote or a picture of your family, but seeing something that makes you happy will brighten your day and keep your mind clearer. Stuck for ideas? Think of your favourite thing in the world, that one thing that makes you smile every time, print a picture of it and put it somewhere you will always see it.

A cluttered space means a cluttered mind. Clear it out, move it, hide it. Whatever works for you but your work area should be clutter free and clean. Set aside 15 minutes at the end of your day to tidy up your space and wipe everything down so when you come in the next day you can start fresh and your mind can focus on other wonderful things.

I know this may sound silly however as the saying goes, lead by example. Put a smile on your face and yes we all vent to our co-workers but leave the negative stuff to a minimum. Keep things positive, include someone in your conversation who doesn’t usually speak up. I promise happy positive people, inspire each other and you will thrive working in that environment.

Inspiration comes into our days in so many ways, start with these suggestions and it will snowball from there as others join in. Your work is a part of you so take care of it and set it up to take care of you.

Written by Abbey Webb

Administration at Ko Spaces